Current projects
Here is a wrap-up of our current activities. Find out more below and get involved!
Kids clothing/toy/book swap
What is it? Residents bring quality used items to swap for new-to-them clothes, toys and books.
When is it? Takes place several times a year at St Ives Showground. 235 people attended the last event and almost 4,000 items donated. Find the next event here.
Who runs it? Net Zero Champions Waste Less & Compost More group.
Get involved: We're always looking for more volunteers - just email us at
TEEN and young adult clothing swap
What is it? Bring quality used items to swap for new-to-you clothes.
When is it? 13 April 2025, Gordon Library Find the event here.
Who runs it? Net Zero Champions Waste Less & Compost More group and Energyze Australia, with the help of The Clothing Exchange.
Get involved: We're always looking for more volunteers - just email us at
Solar energy talks
Local non-profit group Electrifying Bradfield has been holding talks to answer people’s questions about why solar energy is important and explaining the benefits. This initiative is supported by Council's Environmental Levy Grant.
Find out more
Solar car racing schools program
Ku-ring-gai primary schools host incursions where students get the chance to build a mini solar powered car and then race it afterwards. Schools can register their interest for an incursion via our website. This initiative is supported by Council's Environmental Levy Grant.
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