First: Eloise from Turramurra High School for the ceramic creation ‘Mother Nature’, which explores the connections we have with trees and local bushland.
Second: Isabella from Abbotsleigh Senior School for the painting demonstrating the interconnectedness of a tree, nature and blossoming of life, which guides her to live with nurturing kindness to the world.
Highly Commended: Stella from Pymble Ladies’ College for the charcoal drawing ‘Guardian of the Secret Garden’, protective and majestic.
Highly Commended: Khendrup from Ku-ring-gai High School for the landscape painting demonstrating the beauty of nature which we may take for granted, forgetting that Mother Nature gifted it to us, so we could live.
Highly Commended: Pavithra from Ku-ring-gai High School for the charcoal tree artwork made from different sizes of paper, layering one big piece.
Highly Commended: Maggie from Ku-ring-gai High School for the watercolour painting of trees.